We invite you to discover with us Rome and its treasures. Our itinerary includes Trastevere's district (Ponte Sisto, San Crisogono and Santa Maria in Trastevere) and the Gianicolo (the "Fontanone", San Pietro in Montorio and the "tempietto del Bramante").
Prices: (for group) 1 to 20 persons : € 224.66 ATTENTION: Admission to museums indicated NOT included.
Throughout the tour, you will be guided by an expert in History or Art history, Archeology or Architecture, who will help you to discover our Rome. You can choose the language you prefer...we have 5 different languages available! Tour departs from Ponte Sisto. It is a 2 hours long tour with a private guide inside the Borghese Museum and gallery (one extra hour might be added without extra cost to visit the park if weather conditions allow it). Tour is available from Tuesday to Sunday from 09:00 to 17:00, each hour Tour must be reserved with 2 weeks in advance